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First Financial Security’s Team Annie Walks to Fight Breast Cancer

It was a crisp Saturday morning on Nov. 5, 2016. Thirty-seven First Financial Security, Inc. home office employees and their families gathered at Glover Park on Marietta, GA’s town square. Wearing black-and-pink t-shirts, they were there to walk in the 5K Making Strides Against Breast Cancer event. In the process, they raised $6,730 for the American Cancer Society.

Nearly 250,000 women and men have been diagnosed with breast cancer so far in 2016.1 It’s a statistic that hit too close to home for the First Financial Security family. Annie Gerlicher, the youngest daughter of FFS’ Co-CEOs Phil and Debbie Gerlicher, recently learned she has breast cancer.

Calling themselves Team Annie, the group decided to walk in support of their friend. With only two weeks to prepare, Team Annie went into overdrive. They registered walkers, established a link for donations, and got the word out.

Their efforts paid off. First Financial Security’s Team Annie was the event’s Top Team, raising the largest amount of money for the walk. The group had set a goal of $2,000, but exceeded that amount by bringing in $3,365. First Financial Security matched that amount, and Team Annie’s total was $6,730. FFS also raised the second highest amount among the more than a dozen participating companies.

There were 118 teams and 1,048 people that walked this year. The total amount of funds raised was $108, 906.31.

First Financial Security is more than a company, it’s also a family. When one of its members is in need, the others jump into action. Although the funds will not directly support Annie, they will help other women and men fighting the same battle. The non-profit’s website says the money will be used for “groundbreaking breast cancer research, life-saving education, and critical patient services.”

Team Annie is one of the first projects in First Financial Security’s corporate social responsibility (CSR) program.

1 “U.S. Breast Cancer Statistics.” As of Sept. 30 2016.


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